Caman to Leinster 2023- Thursday 13th April 2023 in UPMC Nowlan Park, Kilkenny

By lecamogie, Tuesday, 14th February 2023 | 0 comments

Caman to Leinster 2023- Thursday 13th April 2023 in UPMC Nowlan Park, Kilkenny

This club based development initiative is open to all affiliated camogie clubs in Leinster to enter for their u12 age grade. 

Once this online form is closed, the 48 selected clubs will be contacted using the email and telephone number provided on this form to confirm their availability to attend. There will be a reserve list in place in this instance. The Caman2Leinster day will run as follows:

Games are 15mins straight through and each club will play 3 games.

Wave 1: Arrival 9am, Games 9.30am-11.30am (16 teams)
Wave 2: Arrival 11am, Games 11.40am - 1.40pm (16 teams)
Wave 3: Arrival 1pm, Games 1.50pm - 3.50pm (16 teams)

There is no restriction on the number of u12 players you bring along on the day but we would encourage you to ensure all players get adequate games time.

Those clubs who attend the Caman to Leinster day will then be in the draw to attend the Caman to Croker event on 16th of August 2023. Please Note: If selected for Caman2Croker thereafter there is a restriction from Croke Park of 18 players per panel.

Closing date for applications is: Friday 10th March 2023 at 1pm - no late applications accepted.

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